Monday, March 2, 2009

universitas trunojoyo

Trunojoyo university is a continuation of the University of Bangkalan Madura (Unibang) the 'change status' from the Universities Private Universities become Affairs, based on Presidential Decree (Presidential Decree) of the Republic of Indonesia Number 85 Year 2001 dated 5 July 2001.

Inauguration took place on 23 July 2001. In his speech as President Abdurrahman Wahid of Indonesia at the time, said that a desire to have the Society Madura University has been reached. The second, the desire that other island associated with Madura island, has been implemented pencanangan erection Suramadu bridge by President Megawati on 20 August 2003.

University Trunojoyo such as the existence of conditions that have at this time, still in the stage pembenahan-pembenahan fundamental, such as building renovation lectures, the central office administration and faculty offices, and campus infrastructure such as electricity and water installations, garden campus and sports facilities in the campus. Also made efforts to complete the procurement of facilities and laboratories at the Faculty of Agriculture and the Faculty of Engineering.


Higher education institutions to become the winner in the human resources that have academic competence and / or professional bertaqwa to God, and capable of creating, developing and disseminating of Science Technology and Arts is useful for the community, state and nation.

Holding a quality education in a sustainable, orderly and organized to produce human resources that have academic competence and / or professional bertaqwa to God.
To the confidence and pride of the academic sivitas Almamater.
Creating a conducive academic atmosphere in the learning process, research and dedication to the community.
Research quality and significantly contribute to the development of science, technology and art, and encourage community development.
Implement Tri Dharma University independently by using modern information technology system is oriented on increasing the quality and capacity competitiveness.

PURPOSE: With the cast off on the above vision and mission, Unijoyo aims:

Produce human resources that have the academic competence and / or professionals who believe and bertaqwa to God and have love and pride of Almamater.

Produce innovative research that is able to contribute to the development of science, technology and art that are useful for the welfare of the community.
Terselenggaranya of dedication to the community that is able to empower the community in solving problems.
Realize a conducive academic atmosphere in the Tri Dharma Universities system is supported by modern information technology.

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