Monday, March 2, 2009

universitas gorontalo

University of Gorontalo has the following basic principles:
1. Kukuhnya the culture of religion ( "religion of culture")
2. Care about the changes ( "change of concern")
3. Forth graduates who should be imitated because diguguh and attitudes keteladannya.
4. University leadership is good ( "good university leadership")


"University of the pioneers of civilization"

Vision menujukkan this view UNG as universities become a pioneer in the development of civilization in an effort to provide services to the community. Vision is also the view menujukkan ignites for UNG in the community because of this vision through UNG mengaktualisasikan themselves in the development of civilization, not only for graduates and civitas tetapijuga for masyarakat.Universitas pioneer of the value that the UNG to be in the forefront of higher education to develop science, technology, art cultural and moral values based on university governance.


1. Produce quality graduates, professional and ethical
2. Increasing the role of UNG in the development ipteks and dedication to the community
3. Managing institutional and public pencitraan


1. Increasing the role of UNG in implementing the education and instruction in birth in the human resources of quality, professional and ethical
2. Role as a center of science, technology,
3. Increasing research activities that generate knowledge and new technology in enhancing the standard of quality and dignity of human life. art and culture
4. Improving the implementation of dedication to the community through dissemination and implementation of the results of research and technology.
5. Increasing Student pelaksanaankegiatan guidance that is capable of supporting the formation of attitudes based on scholarly and scientific integrity of the personality to encourage the creation of cultural Iptek, imtaq, who based entrepreneurship and ethical, moral and honorable ahlak.
6. Increase the synergistic cooperation with the government, private sector and other universities both in and outside.
7. Realize the autonomous university as UNG
8. Improving the institutional regulation of effective, efficient, transparent and accountable.


Tata is the value of UNG I'KTIBAR (initiative, self reaktualisasi and Worship). Campus I'ktibar means: campus as a place to learn. The source and center of teaching, research, art, culture and the moral ethic pembemtukan. I'KTIBAR means

1. Endeavor, as a servant of the mirror will recognize memutlakan God, so in activities, of UNG should base themselves on the endeavor sincerely. This is the endeavor to become the input values, or values that must be owned by citizens UNG, which can be seen in the existence of the academic man, that man: (i) trust, (ii) professional, (iii) Istiqomah.
2. Worship, as a mirror exists penghambaan self-responsibility to God Yana One God through the basic task of the activity and function of value of worship. Worship is what the value of a process (process values), or the value in doing the work on the concrete campus of human existence: (i) a visionary, (ii) of guts, and (iii) the synergistic
3. Reaktualisasi Arts, as the responsibility of the human form of the campus that has the potential to re-empowered through konkretnya roles as a part integrated with the wider community. Therefore, reaktualisasi itself is a value that will be arrested olehpara stakeholders (executive, legislative, community, business and industry of the world (Dudi), and other parties who can work together and together with the UNG. Reaktualisasi self termaksud what is called the output values that can form the academic padakeberadaban man: (i) productive, (ii) reliable, and (iii) a commitment to service that development.


Scientific basic pattern (PIP) is UNG, "pendiddikan based and culture-oriented area." Pedidikan is a pattern in a scientific subject is pedidikan in broad sense, namely UNG develop education and conducting academic and / or professionals in the field of science kependidikan and / or based on cultural and nonkependidikan. "Oriented area" meant that all related to education, teaching and research and dedication to the community to be developed based on the principle of quality, relevance and community needs in a sustainable, both in the local area, national, regional, and even fore UNG will appear as an educational institution high together and ready to compete with universities in the international world. Unggulan Field Science (Core Competency) is "an integrated Education and Agriculture."

Important milestones of the history of the University of Gorontalo, as long as 41 years old to attend as educational institutions, as follows:
• 1963 Junior College FKIP Unsulteng
• 1964 FKIP Branch IKIP Yogyakarta Manado Branch
• 1965 IKIP Manado Gorontalo branch
• 1982 Sam Ratulangi University FKIP
• 1993 STKIP Gorontalo
• 2001 IKIP Negeri Gorontalo
• 2004 University of Gorontalo

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