Monday, March 2, 2009

Universitas Malikussaleh

Malikussaleh University was established by taking the name King of the Kingdom of Samudera Pasai first, the relay based on the spirit of leadership and development that has been laid through the pioneering nature, dynamics, and patriotismenya Sultan Malikussaleh. Islamic Kingdom of Samudera Pasai recorded in history as the first Islamic kingdom in the archipelago which is the embryo of the central development and distribution of Islam in the archipelago and Southeast Asia, is the center of Islamic Education and Science who inherit the spirit of famed fighter for the successor generation in the Islamic religion, science, technology, art, and culture that have produced Syech (Great Teacher) and other ilmuan. So that the brilliance of thought at the time they have great impact on the era and the triumph of Kemakmuran (Welfare State) or à ¢ â, ¬ Å "Baldatun Thayyibatun Wa Rabbun Ghafurà ¢ â, ¬ Â? a Beautiful Country, Fair, and Makmur Diridhai that Allah SWT.

Sultan Malikussaleh not only has been able to lay a strong foundation in the time, even the fundament once he has tegakkan coloring spirit and character of this nation until now. While in the area of the Kingdom of Aceh Samudera Pasai has disappeared and Malikussaleh have also died, but the pioneering spirit, dynamics, and patriotismenya still remain graven in the soul and become a supporter of this nation struggle. Historical background is dijiwai by that spirit which is the object of hope for the next generation is produced by the University Malikussaleh. Supported by natural resources very rich, University Malikussaleh expected to empower human resources in particular areas of North Aceh and Aceh in general.

Embryo of birth of the University Malikussaleh

As the embryo of the University Malikussaleh began menjelmanya Academy of Sciences of the Religion department, founded the Religious Decree Regent / Head of the regencies of North Aceh Tax: 01/TH/1969 dated 12 June 1969, at the Regent Drs. Tgk. Abdul Wahab Dahlawy. Next date 15 September 1970 with a decree from the Regent KDH Level II Aceh Utara No.: 01/TH/1970 Religion Science Academy (AIA) is also equipped with the Political Science department. With Akte Notaris number: 15 dated 17 July 1971 established the Foundation for Islamic Universities (YPTI) as the agency responsible for the development of Religion Academy of Sciences. Then, with a decree Universities Islamic Foundation Tax: 001/YPTI/1971 on 1 August 1971, Academy of Sciences Society changed its name to the Islamic Universities Department Sharia Academy, Academy of Political Science Department, Academy Tarbiyah faculty, and faculty Dayah High / Pesantren Luhur . Islamic University is changing the name to be more Islamic Universities Malikussaleh (abbreviated as PERTIM), through a decree Universities Islamic Foundation dated 24 May 1972. Foundation in 1980 to become the University Malikussaleh stands UNIMA.

In a long history and through a complex process that also, the date of 18 July 1984 with a decree from the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 0607/0/1984 High School State Administration's Registered obtain. Meanwhile, Engineering School turn get listed status on 24 August 1984, a decree from the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 0392/0/1984. Then in 1986 founded the Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Law, and the Faculty of Science Teaching and Education.

Letters to the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 0584/0/1989 on 11 September 1989 re-integrated in Malikussaleh University Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Law, and the Faculty of Science Teaching and Education. But the Faculty of Science Teaching and Education (FKIP) do not have listed status, 1990 FKIP closed.

University Malikussaleh until now, supported by 5 faculties Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Law, and Program Kesekretariatan. Unless the D Kesekretariatan Program III, 11 programs of study other Strata 1 is the State Administrative Sciences, Administrative Sciences Commerce, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Management Companies, Law Science, and Agronomy.

Penegerian University Malikussaleh

Political situation in Aceh is marked by prolonged conflict has caused a serious impact and depth of the joints-joints of a society in Aceh, in the form of loss of dignity and the dignity, degradation of social values that concern the steer and the atmosphere of civil society (Civil Society). If the condition is left without a sustained effort for the concrete and comprehensive, it can cause a threat of disintegration of a nation.

To rebuild trust in the people of Aceh to the Government Center for a sustainable environment in Civil society, the effort required to deliver a second after the University of Syiah Kuala University, which is longed for the community and especially Ocean Pasai Acehnese society in general. This work is part of the Aceh conflict is a strategic policy as a political, considering Pasai Ocean region that consists of Kabupaten Aceh Utara, Bireuen, Pidie, East Aceh, Aceh Tengah, Aceh Tenggara, and the area is part of the central conflict most turbulent . and most intensively against the central government as a result of injustice and confusion central government policy in the past. In addition, in the region also has deposits of natural resources is very rich that can be processed for public prosperity.

Minister of National Education with the decision number: 216/P/2000 on 16 November 2000 Changes in form team of the University's Lhokseumawe Malikussaleh of Private Universities (PTS) to Universities Negeri (PTN), hereinafter abbreviated Preparation Team. Team of duty to prepare the implementation of the State University of Malikussaleh Lhokseumawe terpenuhinya gradually until all the requirements of a state university in accordance provision regulations that apply.

Letters Director General Higher Education Tax: 004/D/T/2001 Date 2 January 2001 to the Rector of the University Malikussaleh letter to the Director General of Higher Education Ministry of National Education Tax: 3458/D/T/2000 Date 2 October 2000 on the readiness to become Malikussaleh University College Highest Affairs has the disposition of the Minister of National Education Tax: 6015/TUM/2000 Date 21 December 2000.

Directorate General of Higher Education with a letter number: 1252/D/T/2001 Date 24 April 2001 the status of the University of certainty whether the property Malikussaleh people of Aceh Utara and financed with the budget or the property of the government and financed with the State Budget. If still processed penegeriannya the Regional Regulation Number: 26 of 1999 will automatically fall after rising on the Presidential Decree Malikussaleh The University as University Affairs.

Said Director General of Higher Education on the status Malikussaleh processing Penegerian University, the Rector of the University of Malikussaleh with Tax: 540/UNIMA/H/2001 Date 28 April 2001, explains that the program penegerian University Malikussaleh is an aspiration and demand, especially the people of Aceh and North Aceh in general, which became part of the settlement of conflicts in Aceh in order to improve the quality of human resources in Aceh to achieve the life of the nation. This means that the capital base of community property can Aceh Utara development effort by the central government to penegeriannya, and submit the full property of the central government after the decision of RI President

With regard to the determination of status as a University Malikussaleh University Affairs, Directorate General of Higher Education to send a letter to the Minister of National Education with the number: 1620/D/T/2001 Date 8 May 2001. With such considerations, the Minister of National Education Decree Number: 216/P/2000 The team of about Penegerian University Malikussaleh dated 16 November 2001 is a strong basis for the determination of the status of the above. In the Decree of the Minister of the above, are that the purpose of preparation penegerian implemented gradually until all the requirements terpenuhinya appropriate laws and regulations that apply. Directorate General of Higher Education has been doing for the preparation of guidance are allocated a budget of development.

Minister of National Education with a letter number: 264/MPN/2001 Date 14 May 2001 addressed to the Minister of State Administrative Reform Pendayagunaan, the proposed status determination Malikussaleh as the University College of mail through the Presidential Decree. Basic pertimbangannya include; As a follow-up of the Decree of the Minister of National Education Tax: 216/P/2000 on 16 November 2000 The team of about Penegerian University Malikussaleh. Ministry of National Education has started the preparation of guidance for the budget through the allocation of development to improve the quality of the budget year starting in 2001. Overall academic requirements of the University Malikussaleh have reached the requirements of a university, while there is a shortage (such as increasing the status of course) can be overcome gradually begin fiscal year 2002. Administratively, still need some process to determine the status of the country namely; 1) of the assets of the Foundation for Education Malikussaleh to the Central Government and 2) the status of private sector employees to become civil servants (PNS).

Minister of State Administrative Reform Pendayagunaan with letter number: 170/M.PAN/7/2001 Date 4 July 2001 to recommend that the Minister of National Education, the determination of the University Malikussaleh become Universities should be the preparation of the first set with a penetapannya Decree of the Minister of National Education. Next Malikussaleh University of penetapannya will be processed through a Presidential Decree after the steps / stages of preparation dimantapkan with priority attention to the scale and financial condition of the country and in accordance with Government Regulation Number: 60 of 1990 on Higher Education and Ministry of National Education Decree Number: 234/U/2000 on The university guidelines.

Rector of the University Malikussaleh through letter Number: Date 367/UNIMA.H/2001 expect 6 July 2001 the Minister of National Education of the University so as Malikussaleh University Affairs can be proposed by the Minister of National Education to the President for the determination of the Presidential Decree as the basic color of law. Similarly, the number followed by the letter: 368/UNIMA.H/2001 Date 7 July 2001 addressed to the President of RI for penetapannya.

Minister of National Education with a letter number: 71100/MPN/2001 Date 18 July 2001 to apply to the President of RI for the determination as Malikussaleh University College Affairs. With attention to all the above considerations, Malikussaleh argued that the University has met the requirements to become a university in accordance with domestic regulations; the Government Regulation Number 60 Year 1999 on Higher Education and Ministry of National Education Decree Number: 234/U/2000 establishment of guidelines Universities. With regard to the above, and especially considering the aspirations of the people of Aceh, dimohon to the President to issue a Presidential Decree on Determination of the University College as Malikussaleh Affairs.

Rector of the University Malikusaleh deliver mail with the number: 371/UNIMA.H/2001 Date 30 July 2001 to the Chairman of the People's Assembly Permusyawaratan. With the aspirations of the Acehnese to establish the University Malikussaleh based in Lhokseumawe à ¢ â, ¬ â € Œ North Aceh as the Universities of the Presidential Decree as the basic color of law.

Peak of the maximum effort to improve the status of the University Malikussaleh when President Megawati Soekarno Putri issued Presidential Decree (Presidential Decree) No. 95 in 2001, on 1 August 2001 on Penegerian University Malikusssaleh. With dinegerikannya University Malikussaleh means in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam that has approximately 4.3 million people already have two universities, namely Syiah Kuala University (Unsyiah) Banda Aceh Darussalam and University Malikussaleh (Unima) in Lhokseumawe, North Aceh, and one university Islam (IAIN) Ar-Raniry Darussalam in Banda Aceh.

Symbol MalikussalehAkhirnya University, with the Grace of Allah Almighty, on Saturday 8 September 2001 Date of Lhokseumawe, the President of the Republic of Indonesia Megawati Soekarno Putri initiate establishment Malikussaleh as University Center for Human Resources For the Acehnese, semoga Allah SWT meridhai together in our efforts to achieve nation. Currently the University has Malikussaleh stands UNIMAL name.

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