Monday, March 2, 2009

universitas terbuka

Open University (UT) is the university of to-45 in the Indo ¬ nesia inaugurated on 4 September 1984, based on Kepu ¬ tusan No RI President. 41 Year in 1984.
A. The goal UT
UT established the following objectives:
1. provide the opportunity for a wide range of Indonesian citizens and foreign citizens, in any place of residence, to mempeoleh higher education;
2. provide higher education for them, because of work or because of other reasons, can not continue their education in universities in the face; and
3. develop a program of academic and professional education in accordance with the real needs of development that have not been developed by many other universities.

B. Learning System
UT implement a distance learning system and open. The term distance learning does not mean done in the face, but using the media, both print media (modules) and non-print (audio / video, computer / Internet, broadcast radio and television). The meaning of open is no age restriction, year diploma, the study, the time of registration, and the frequency of the test. The only restriction is that every UT student must have completed secondary education up (high school or the equivalent).

C. Learn how
UT students are expected to learn independently. Learn how to self-willed students to learn on their own initiative or initiatives. Independent study can be done alone or in groups, in both study groups or in tutorial groups. UT provides teaching materials that can be tailored to the study independently. In addition to using teaching materials provided by UT, students can also take the initiative to take advantage of the library, follow the tutorial either face-to-face or via the Internet, radio, and television, as well as using other sources of learning such as teaching materials berbantuan computer programs and audio / video. When experiencing difficulty learning, students can ask for in ¬ ¬ masi or tutorial assistance to the Program Unit Learning Remote Uni ¬ versitas Open (UPBJJ-UT) local.

Independent study in many cases determined by the ability to learn efficiently. Ability to learn depends on the speed of reading and reading ability to understand the contents. To be able to learn independently in an efficient, UT students have demanded self-discipline, initiative, and a strong motivation to learn. Students also are required to be able to manage time efficiently, so that learning can be based on a regularly scheduled study that determined its own. Therefore, in order to succeed in the UT study, prospective students must be prepared to learn independently.

D. Semester Credit System
UT as well as other universities, to apply the credit system to assign the burden of the semester of study students each semester. Credit in the semester system, the burden of study ha ¬ rus completed in a program of study measured by units of semester credit (SKS). Each course is given weight 2-4 SKS or more. One semester is a time of learning activities for about 16 sunday.

In the face of higher education, students who take the burden of study SKS one must follow the lecture for one hour per week in class and one hour to practice, praktikum, or study at home, so in one semester, the student must learn to allocate time around 32 hours. To cover subjects that have weight 3 SKS needed time to study about 96 hours per semester.

In distance education system, students must also be allocated the same time with the students face-to-face (2 hours per week per SKS). The only activity more study is done independently (at home, through study groups, and tutorials).

Special to UT, one SKS disetarakan with three modules of teaching materials in print. One module consists of 40-50 pages, so that the weight of teaching materials with 3 SKS ranged between 360-450 pages depending on the type of course. Based on the results of research, the ability to read and understand the average student is 5-6 pages per hour for up to read the weight of teaching materials with the required 3 SKS (360 to 450): (5 to 6) the result around 75 hours. If a semester has 16 sunday time, the time needed to read the weight of teaching materials with 3 SKS is 75: 16 for approximately 5 hours per week. For example, students take 15 SKS / semester so that should be allocated time to learn as much as 15: 3 x 5 = 25 hours per week or approximately 5 hours per day (1 sunday dihi ¬ tung 5 day study).

With this study, such as UT students are expected to allocate time to study in accordance with the load taken SKS or take SKS load each semester according to the time that can be allocated to study and consider the academic ability of each.

E. Organizing Education in UT
In education, in cooperation with the UT all university land / private sector and relevant institutions in Indonesia. In each province or district / city that there are universities of the country, units of available service called UPBJJ UT-UT. Local universities land a role as a UT-UPBJJ and help in the writing of teaching materials, test materials, the implementation of the tutorial, pratek / praktikum, and test.

To provide optimal service to the education of students spread across the country and abroad, UT work with other institutions such as Bank BRI, Bank BTN, Bank Mandiri, Television of the Republic of Indonesia (TVRI), Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI), Radio Government Regional Press, Radio Broadcast Private Commerce, Provincial Government and Regency / City, Ministry of Home Affairs, Atase KBRI Education, National Library and the RI Regional Library, National Archives, Indosat, Jaksoft, and PT Pos Indonesia.

UT also work with institutions that want to improve the quality of resources, human beings, whether government agencies, state-owned and private. They can follow the program in the UT or order a new program of study in accordance with the needs instansinya. UT has to get over this trust da ¬ ri government to improve the quality of elementary school teachers and early childhood teachers through a program known as the pro ¬ gram Basic Education (Pendas). In addition, UT has also got the trust to improve the quality of human resources from the military, Bank BRI, Bank BNI, PT Garuda Indonesia, PT Merpati Nusantara, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Secretariat of Vice President, Pondok Pesantren and several other institutions.

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