Monday, March 2, 2009

universitas negeri medan

In the five years tens, after physical revolution, the growth of Secondary Schools (SMP) and High School (SMA) so rapidly, so that the staff's needs (teacher) who qualified at that time can not be fulfilled. In many ways the Government, in this case the Ministry of Education, to open educational institutions teachers, such as Advanced Education School Teachers First (PGSLP) and Course B-1 to educate prospective teachers, especially teachers who served on the education level and junior high school. Although the business is carried out so zealous, but the number of teachers to the needs of North Sumatra is also not yet been fulfilled in a short time.

Starting from this situation, in 1956 several prominent educators in North Sumatra, a University Teacher Education called PTPG. The idea is sponsored by Prof.. Ani Manopo Abbas, SH., Which at that time the Dean of the Faculty of Law and Society University of Sumatera Utara (USU), G. Sianipar, Head of Inspection and Public Education RM Simanjuntak, Director of SMA Negeri 1 Medan.

PTPG then open the way English, Science Education, Science Society (then known as the Civic Law) and Physical Education. The PTPG this does not take long, because then for the completeness of the University of North Sumatra (The Foundation was established by the University of North Sumatra in the year 1952) when the country became universities in 1955, PTPG join into one part of the University of North Sumatra by the name of the Faculty of Science Teaching and Kependidikan (FKIP). This process occurred in 1957. Based on a decree from the Minister of the Republic of Indonesia No KDP. 95254 on 22 August 1957, resmilah FKIP become one of the Faculty of the University of North Sumatra (USU).

Since penggabungannya with USU, faculty-faculty who managed FKIP not changed, namely Pedagogik (Education), Law and Society, English, and Physical Education. To lead the new faculty is Prof.. Ani Abas Manopo be as Dean. Faculty of this rapidly developing, to improve the quality of the teaching staff a few lecturers have the opportunity to learn the task to foreign (United States). Lecturers at the time of departure are: G. Sianipar, SH., R.M. Simanjuntak, Harun ar Rasyid, and Munir Ahmad, taking a master's program. Thus the position of secretary so empty and then appointed slamat Raharjo, MA. as secretary to replace G. Sianipar, SH. This event occurred in 1961.

At that time the progress FKIP USU-progress that is meaningful. Help staff and expert teachers are from the Colombo Plan and the Ford Foundation. FKIP at that time located at Jalan Iman Bonjol now be occupied by the tertiary education expectancy. In 1961, she also FKIP-USU accordance with the Government decision in this case the Ministry Pdk, are required to accommodate the students of course B-1 that do not occur in the provision of dualism staff's. Based on this situation, the direction-direction in FKIP increases, the Mathematics Department, Corporate Economics, English, English, History and Civic, and the Department of Physical Education. The staff itself berintegrasinya also increased with B-1 to FKIP USU.

In the year 1962 the teaching staff who have to leave the United States to return to Indonesia and served on the USU FKIP, also in this year many graduates IKIP staff on duty at the Bandung FKIP USU. This situation makes FKIP USU to become more mature after going through some of the concern due to lack of adequate facilities.

Meanwhile, Prof. devote time. Ani Manopo Abbas, SH. have been ended, and from the Faculty Senate election results set G. Sianipar, SH. as Dean FKIP USU. As assistants in managing the Dean of Faculty of selected A. Panggabean, MA Dean of power as I, Dra. Astoeti Hendarto power as Dean II and Drs. Osman Simanjuntak power as Dean III. After that was also Drs. A.O.B. Situmorang as Head of Bureau of Administration.


In the year 1962 FKIP USU shows that rapid growth, the department managed increases, and the number of students have thousands of people. At that time the government was also thinking to form an institutional IKIP such as those in Bandung and Jakarta, with a view to eliminating PTPG. This condition FKIP USU expects more developed and can be IKIP. At that time the USU FKIP not eligible to become a Teaching Institution of Education and Science on one's own, then later made FKIP USU branch of IKIP Jakarta. Thus, on 23 June 1963 terbentuklah IKIP Jakarta Medan branch. Coordinator was appointed as Dean G. Sianipar, SH. M.Sc. assisted by the presidium of the council members, consisting of G. Sianipar, SH., M.Sc., A. Panggabean, MA., And D.Q. Nasution. Along with the Department of Physical Education High School is set to become Sports (STO), which stood alone under the auspices of the Ministry of Sports of the Republic of Indonesia.

Along with the changes to be IKIP FKIP USU Medan, Jakarta Branch, the reorganization also occur in this Faculty. Major-majors are grouped according to the field of science and mematangkannya Institute for Teaching Science Education (IKIP) that stand on its own. Major groups that consist of 4 faculties, namely:

1. Branch of Faculty of Education consists of the department: a. Public education, b. Social Education, c. Guidance and Extension, d. Administration Education.
2. Branch Faculty Teaching and Literary Arts department consists of: a. Indonesian, b. English.
3. Branch of the Faculty of Social Sciences Teaching faculty consists of: a. Economic Perniagaan, b. Anthropology, c. History, d. Civics Law.
4. Faculty of Science Teaching Branch consists of the exact sciences faculty: a. Science Pasti, b.Ilmu Chemistry, c. Science Hayat, d. Natural Science, e. Civil Engineering.

Department of Physical Education in 1964, escape from IKIP Jakarta Medan Branch in accordance with the decision with the Government High School Sports (STO). This is because the form the new cabinet in the Ministry of Sports. So STO under the shade.

Further development is dibukanya Extension Course IKIP Pematang Siantar in Medan and Padang Sidempuan manage the department History, English, Civics and Economics Corporate Law. Staff pengajarnya shipped from Medan. Because the administration needs a very urgent, diangkatlah a Coordinator in Padang Sidempuan namely Drs. Cholil Dalimunthe. Extension Course in Pematang Siantar then closed in the year 1970.

Because of rapid growth so that, the campus is located on Jalan Imam Bonjol no longer adequate, so in 1965 moved to Jalan Merbau 38A to former school Hoa Chiao Middle School. Place in the new year on the lecture 1966/1967 IKIP add one more faculty Teaching Faculty of Engineering with three departments, namely: Department Civil / Building Engineering, and Electrical.

On 17 March 1967, G. Sianipar, SH., M.Sc. died so that while implementing the Rector by dijabat A. Panggabean, MA. Does not take as long as he eventually was appointed as Rector of the defenitif on 1 May 1968 with the Minister Decree No P and K. 128/KTI/SP/68. As I was the Assistant Rector of Drs. M. Joenoes Alim, M.Sc., Vice Rector II, Drs. Osman Simanjuntak, and Vice Rector III are Drs. Djainget Sembiring Muham. Not long after Drs. Osman Simanjuntak become members of the DPRD North Sumatra, and his Vice Rector II replaced by Drs. M. Manullang.

High School Sports (STO), which was out of the integrated IKIP back to Medan Medan IKIP decree based on P and K Minister of the Republic of Indonesia. 042/0/1977. Since then, IKIP Medan has 6 faculty, and the last is the Teaching and the Faculty of Sport Sciences.

In the year 1978 Prof. tenure. A. Panggabean M.A. as Rector of the end, as he entered or to devote full-time retirement. Based on a decree from the President of the Republic of Indonesia. 123 / M 1978 dated 19 June 1978, Drs. M. Joenoes Alim, M.Sc. defined as Rector Prof. IKIP Medan replace. A. Panggabean. As the Vice Rector I dijabat by Prof.. Dr. D.P. Tampubolon, Vice Rector II is Drs. Norman Lubis, Vice Rector and III are Drs. Djainget Sembiring Muham. The position of Vice Rector I then switch to the Professor. Dr. M. Silitonga with SK. P and K Minister of the Republic of Indonesia. 7071/C/I/180, as Prof. Dr. DP. Tampubolon appointed Atase Culture in Australia.

For the next period Prof. Drs. M. Yoenoes Alim, M.Sc. be returned as Rector IKIP Medan for a second time. Pembantu-pembantunya is Prof. Dr. M. Silitonga as the Vice Rector I, Drs. Norman Lubis as Vice Rector II, and Prof.. Drs. Build Rajanin as Vice Rector III.

After Prof. Drs. M. Joenoes Alim, M.Sc. end the occupation, leadership IKIP Medan dijabat by Prof.. Drs. Sukarna, M.A. in accordance with a decree from the President of the Republic of Indonesia on 7 November 1986 No. 222/M/1986. Vice Rector Prof. is. Dr. Usman Pelly, MA., Prof.. Drs. Lubis Sulaiman and Prof.. Drs. Hutabarat Jepta each as the Vice Rector I, II and III.

In accordance with a decree from President R.I. NO. 269/M/1990, dated 10 November 1990, Prof.. Drs. Sukarna, M.A. again be appointed Rector IKIP Medan for the second period. In the period of this burden and the task of increasing IKIP Medan, in the mid-1991 to add one more Vice Rector. Thus, during this period the Assistant Rector IKIP Medan into 4 (four). Vice Rector Prof. I. Drs. Darmono, M.Ed., Vice Rector Prof. II. Lubis Sulaiman, Vice Rector III, Prof.. Drs. Jepta Hutabarat IV and Vice Rector, Prof.. Drs. Usman Pelly, MA.

After Prof. Drs. Sukarna, MA. completed the occupation, Rector IKIP Medan dijabat by Prof.. Drs. Darmono, M.Ed., in accordance with the Presidential Decree No RI. 405/M/1994, dated 12 December 1994 and assisted by the Vice Rector I, Prof.. Djanius Djamin, SH., MS. Vice Rector II, Drs. Dharmansyah, Vice Rector III, Drs. Salam Sembiring, and Vice Rector III, Drs. M. Zain Azhari, M.Pd.

After a period of Prof. Drs. Darmono, M.Ed., expires, the Rector of IKIP Medan dijabat by Prof.. Djanius Djamin, SH., MS, in accordance with Presidential Decree No. RI. Tgl 356/M/Tahun 1998. December 31, 1998, assisted by Prof.. Dr. Usman Pelly, MA. As the Vice Rector I, Drs. Alimuddin Lubis as Vice Rector II, Drs. Salam Sembiring as Vice Rector III, and Dra. Setianna Simorangkir, MA, as Vice Rector IV.

In the leadership of Prof. Djanius Djamin, SH., MS., IKIP Medan converted into the State University of Medan (UNIMED) a decree in accordance with the President of the Republic of Indonesia No. 124 of 1999. Furthermore in accordance with the Presidential Decree Number 35/M/Tahun 2003, the leadership of the Rector of UNIMED still be trusted to Prof.. Djanius Djamin, SH., MS., Assisted by Drs. Hasudungan Sinaga, MS. (alm) as the Vice Rector I, Drs. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd. as Vice Rector II, PhD. Albinus Silalahi, M.Si. as the Vice Rector III and Dra. Setianna Simorangkir, MA, as Vice Rector IV. This occurred during the period of the addition of Vice Rector, Vice Rector of V field planning and development, to trust that Drs. Alimuddin Lubis.


Changes IKIP Medan University is meant to be an attempt to improve the quality of enforcement staff's Education Institute (LPTK). This change in turn is placed in an attempt to improve the quality of the graduates considered relevant to the needs of development in various fields.

Institutional changes into the State University of Medan, held on the opening of the month February 2000 with the Presidential Decree No. 124 of 1999, dated 7 October 1999 caused a change in function from the previous institution only manage areas of department / program of study kependidikan (Dik), namely Bachelor of Education (S. Pd), after the university also completed a Bachelor Science (S. Si) in the department / program of study, non kependidikan.

Institutional changes that cause the expansion of institutions have estimated the value of some more review, among other things:

Utilization of a shared facilities and learning resources (resource sharing) is optimal. The existence of a variety of learning resources directed to education nonkependidikan such as laboratory equipment, and books can be used by students kependidikan. Resource Sharing this with the expected course kependidikan will be increased either.
2.Enlarge the capacity of students and access to University.
3.It is expected that a healthy competition going between students and Dik Nondik. Results from this competition will in turn improve the quality of both graduate and Dik Nondik.
4.Start the academic year 2000/2001, the education program UNIMED in kependidikan and implemented with nonkependidikan refers to the format of the curriculum together for the weight of six semester called "Curriculum With Six Semester Program Nonkependidikan and Kependidikan" which has already started on the ta 2000/2001. With a format like this will happen to improve the quality of graduates in both departments / programs of study participants in the program, especially kependidikan (Sarjana / S.Pd) because they have the capacity field of science with the same participants nonkependidikan program (Bachelor Science / S.Si)

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