Monday, March 2, 2009

universitas tadulako

The existence of universities in Central Sulawesi, as the embryo of the University of Tadulako through three (3) travel history stages, namely the status of private Tadulako period (1963-1966), the status of Branch (1966-1981), and higher status of the self, UNIVERSITY TADULAKO (UNTAD), from 1981 until now.

1. Private status period (1963-1966)

University Tadulako as private universities, grow and develop, with funding support from the pure self-help communities in Central Sulawesi, standing before the South Central Region are as Level I. Giving a name for Tadulako University is intended by the founders in order to become Tadulako University Higher education institutions that produce leaders who have the attributes virtue. Tadulako the concrete means Leader, and the nature, meaning Tadulako virtue. Thus Tadulako are leaders who have attributes virtue (just, wise, honest, smart, brave, spirited, pengayom, defender of truth).

Likewise the strong desire of the community in this region, which start with the hard work put steps towards the creation of institutions and scientific community, through of a University. Of hard work, and on 8 May 1963 University Tadulako stand with private status, the first rector Drh. Nasri Gayur. After various efforts to improve the status and role Tadulako University, on 12 September 1964 raised the status to "Registered" in accordance with a decree from the Ministry of Universities and Science Number: 94/B-SWT/P/64, with four faculties, each each:

§ Faculty of Social Politics.

§ Faculty of Economics

§ Faculty of Animal Husbandry

§ Faculty of Teaching and science education, faculty Hayat Science Education and Science.

The development of a more selanjutnuya increased faculty Faculty of Law so that the entire faculty to be five.

2. Branch period (1966 - 1981)

Various efforts and hard work done by community leaders in this region, the birth of universities with the status of branches, each branch Tadulako University of Hasanuddin University, based on a decree from the Minister of Higher Education and Science (PTIP) Number 1 Year 1966 January 1, 1966 and the Institute of Teaching and Science Education (IKIP) Ujung Pandang Branch Palu decree based on the Universities and the Minister of Science (PTIP) 2 Tax Year 1966 January 1, 1966.

Tadulako University of Hasanuddin University Branch (Branch Untad UNHAS) consists of four faculties, namely:

§ Faculty of Animal Husbandry.

§ Faculty of Economics

§ Faculty of Law

§ Faculty of Social Politics.

While IKIP Ujung Pandang Palu branch consists of three faculties, namely:

§ Faculty of Education

§ Faculty of Arts and Literature Teaching

§ Faculty of Science Teaching Eksata.

Since that time the two universities is the branch of life in a way that is very determined by each parent, especially in the case of education, the academic and administrative staff. Besides the role of the parent universities and UNHAS IKIP Ujung Pandang, the role of local government and community leaders in this area is determining the development of both branches is higher.

3. Self Tadulako University Founded In 1981

After a long journey and struggle for 15 years with the status of the branch, the various experiences and adjustments sisten higher education nationally, can be implemented with a commitment to increase the status of the establishment of a state university that case stand on its own. With the support of Local Government and Central Government (Ministry of Education and Culture), and Untad Branch UNHAS IKIP Ujung Pandang Branch Palu of their own have made the effort to form a variety of academic regulation, administration and provision of infrastructure and facilities needed.

For more mengefektifkan effort to realize one of Unversitas stand-alone, on top of the facility in 1981 the Directorate General Higher Education and the Regional Government of Central Sulawesi Province, dibentuklah Koordinatorium University of Central Sulawesi (PTST) diketuai by the Governor of Central Sulawesi with the deputy head of the six people who came Branch of UNTAD UNHAS (3 people) and Ujung Pandang IKIP Branch Palu (3 people).

Koordinatorium PTST efforts to reunite the two branches at the universities of Central Sulawesi and in the end appears to be a more solid basis for the establishment of the University stand on its own. And the support of community efforts in Central Sulawesi, Local Government, UNHAS Rector, Rector IKIP Ujung Pandang and the Directorate General of Higher Education, the status of the two branches of higher education institutions is being enhanced as the State University of stand-alone, with the abbreviated name TADULAKO UNIVERSITY (UNTAD) according decision with the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 36 Year 1981 dated 14 August 1981. Based on the President's decision Untad consists of five (5) faculty:

§ Faculty of Science Teaching and Education

§ Faculty of Social and Political Sciences

§ Faculty of Economics

§ Faculty of Agriculture

§ Faculty of Law

Further increases in Pekembangan one faculty Faculty of Engineering in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Education and Cultural Affairs number: 0378/0/1993 on 21 October 1993.

Of the six faculty who have, at this time hold Tadulako university education degree programs and diploma programs with 34 (thirty four) Program.

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